Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ma'am, you are in Chicago...

I have traveled a lot in the past few weeks. When checking in for a flight, I told the representative I was flying to Chicago. She promptly informed me I was in Chicago and marked my boarding pass for a full security search. That was fun. And in case you were curious, four of the six major airlines are operating under bankruptcy protection. I think as a part of their attempt to get out of bankruptcy, the airlines are cooperating with social scientists and allowing them to conduct experiments on live human subjects. They are investigating whether people become more enraged by:
a) notification a few minutes before the boarding time that there is a three hour delay,
b) notification before boarding that once boarded, the plane will sit on the runway for three hours before takeoff,
c) notification AFTER boarding that the plane will sit on the runway for three hours prior to takeoff, or
d) flight cancellation.

I think option 'c' is in the lead, but I think they need more testing to prove it. Here's to flying the friendly skies!


Blogger Unknown said...

Again, the wit shines through. I think they're just making excuses to get more money from Uncle Sam. Begin irony But then since we went to war in Iraq, gas prices should be going down right? Since it was all for oil in the first place? Wait, jet fuel is scarce... This makes no sense... End irony

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but... but if we don't bail out the bloated inefficient oligopolies nobody will fly us around! oh, right... someone will enter the market and do it better. we need to let a few of these companies whither and die before we create a goddamned amtrak of the sky, bloated, sassy, horribly inefficient, and addicted to federal money like it's crack.

of course when my boeing employed mother asks, the airlines are an industry of critical national importance and must be preserved at all costs.

don't listen to me. it's 3am.

12:28 AM  

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